9 Gas on-line monitor for measuring DGA across multiple transformers
The Kelman DGA 900 MULTITRANS is the next generation 9-gas on-line transformer multi gas DGA (Diagnostic Gas Analyzer) monitor. Built from the DGA 900 platform, the Multitrans extends the capability beyond measuring a single transformer main oil tank.
Knowledge of the condition of transformers is essential for all electrical networks and on-line monitoring of transformers is an increasingly vital component of successful asset management programs. The comprehensive information provided by the Kelman DGA 900 MULTITRANS not only allows expensive failures to be avoided but enables asset capabilities to be maximized.
Using our 4th generation of advanced photo-acoustic detection technology, the DGA 900 MULTITRANS measures all significant fault gases (in ppm) as outlined by international standards as well as moisture in oil (%RH & ppm). The measurement of these gases allows the user to detect and diagnose a complete range of transformer faults.
Benefiting from over 15 years of multigas DGA vendor experience and over 15,000 devices in the field, the DGA 900 encapsulates learnings and improvements derived from its predecessors to bring improved performance, innovative new features, enhanced user experience and increased field reliability and robustness.
While on-line DGA is now widely accepted as the most effective method of assessing the condition of a transformer, it does not cover all the possible sources of issues. Subsystems like the tap changer, the cooling system or the bushings can generate their own problems if they are left unmonitored. The DGA 900 Multitank product line are a monitoring system which integrates DGA measurement, additional sensors, analysis models and data handling features to address the majority of prevalent failure modes. This cost-effective package provides the condition assessment tools essential for the effective management and optimal utilization of this critical sub-station asset. It is most suited for monitoring large, mission critical transformers or compromised transformers with a view to extending their life and preventing any unexpected failure:
Key Benefits
Modular and retrofittable architecture using selectable standard add-on cards
Provides extensive remote insight into transformer condition and safe operation
Enables correlation of data for validation and in-depth fault analysis
Graphical presentation using built-in web-page based HMI and local color screen
Full integration with GE’s acclaimed Perception™ Fleet asset management software
From the only vendor with 15 years PAS experience and installed base of >15,000 units
Knowledge of the condition of transformers is essential for all electrical networks and on-line monitoring of transformers is an increasingly vital component of successful asset management programs. The information provided by multi-gas on-line DGA allows asset capabilities to be maximized and expensive failures to be avoided.
MULTITRANS is best suited for monitoring large, system critical or already compromised transformers, arranged in a 3 single phase tank configuration, with a view to extending asset life, preventing unexpected failure and operating on a condition-based maintenance schedule.

DGA 900 Multitrans Brochure